Herman Pontzer, Scientific American, 12 Dec. 2023 Herman Pontzer is a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University. Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times, 17 Jan. 2023 At a time when anthropology was generally viewed as a study of the other, Hurston immersed herself in the lives of her own people.

Laura Masur, an assistant professor of anthropology at Catholic University, gathered at the cemetery of a church to help clear brush from a site where graves have been found in Bowie, Maryland, on Jan.

2023 Descendants and student volunteers, including Dr. program, had requested them for research. 2023 George Armelagos, a new assistant professor recruited by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst to help start its anthropology Ph.D. 2023 King Charles studied archaeology, anthropology and history at Trinity College, University of Cambridge, becoming the first royal heir to earn a university degree. Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter, 21 Mar. 2023 Jones’ character is an anthropology professor who is taking care of her dying mother. Recent Examples on the Web Social and Behavioral Sciences (58 new members), including psychological sciences economics political science law anthropology and archeology sociology, demography and geography and education.